our desire is for everyone to grow in their relationship with God and others.
We are so happy you want to come and grow with us. At LBC it is our mission to cultivate an environment of Love, Learning, and Leadership. As you grow in your walk with Christ those are the three things we hope to see happen in your life. We can’t wait to see what God will do through you! In the menu you will find all the information you need to have a great first Sunday with us. Feel free to click around or you can keep reading below about all the ways we hope to see you grow.
First we want everyone to grow in Love for Christ and others. The Bible teaches us that every follower of Christ is supposed to Love God and Love others. Luke 10:27 says “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.” Jesus taught that these were the two most important things to do in life. If you Love God and Love others then you will definitely be growing in your walk with Christ.
Second we want everyone to Learn. We believe that in order to grow you must learn to study God’s Word, the Bible. The Bible is how God will communicate to you His will for your life. As you listen to the preaching, study in small groups, and read on your own at home our hope is that you will learn how to understand the plan and purpose God has for your life.
Finally we want everyone to Lead. As you grow in your walk with Christ, it is our desire that you become a leader. We will teach you how to lead others to Christ, and how to become a leader in the church. God has a purpose for your life and we want to help you find and fulfill that purpose.