Welcome Team: (Church)
* Weekend
A. Outside Greeter: Opens door and greets attendees.
B. Inside Greeter: Gives each person a warm welcome and helps visitors connect with the welcome desk.
C. Welcome Desk: Where visitors can know about what is going on in the church today and what is available to them.
D. Kids Check-In: Check children into children’s church.
E. Guide: Help visitors find their way through the building, show them the auditorium, and connect them with a Auditorium Host.
F. Auditorium Host: Connect with a visitor, get to know them, answer any questions, sit with them during the message, encourage them to come back next Sunday. Get to know them and make them feel at home. Make them aware of Growth Tack and offer to go through it with them.
G. Usher: As service gets closer to starting, help people to find their seats and ask people to move toward the middle isle as to make room on the outer edge for easy seating for those just arriving.
H. Post Service Parking Lot Attendant: Make sure everyone safely gets from the building to their car. Thank people for coming and tell them you are looking forward to seeing them next week.
I. Video and Production: This is the team that is in the back of the church making all the tech required to make a service happen works. They work with audio, video, and streaming.
Weekday Welcome Team: Part of being a welcoming church is having a well maintained building.
A. Lawn Care: Mowing, Weed-eating, Gardening, etc.
B. Cleaning: Be a part of the cleaning team that meets on Saturday morning.
C. Decorating: The team that decorates for the new season or special holidays.
Care Team: (Relational)
A. CARE CARDS: Once a month, there will be new care cards stocked in the Welcome Center. A person on the care team takes one card and cares for that individual for the month. They can…
* Send a Card
* Call or Text
* Pray for them or pray with them
* Meet with them in public
* Visit them at their home
*You determine the level of care that individual needs. You can do one of these things or a combination of them. You can connect once or multiple times in the month. It all depends on how you feel and what you believe would be best received by the individual.
B. MEAL MAKER: If you are a Meal Maker for the Care Team then you help people by making and delivering a meal to their home. We make meals for those dealing with sickness, that are in the hospital, or just lost a family member. This is a simple way that we can help make their burden a little lighter.
ARK Team: (Community)
This is a group that has scheduled and unscheduled volunteer opportunities that impact the community.
Care Packages/Donations: Projects where you choose the time and place.
Family Friendly: These projects are geared for all ages – kids to adults.
Hands On: These projects just need a willing pair of hands.
Individual: Opportunities for individuals to make an impact without a group.
Serve Meals: Serving meals is a great way to connect with others.
Urgent Needs: Check here for projects that are in urgent need of help.
Skilled Worker: There are someprojects that will require someone with the skill to operate a specific tool or machine.